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Local Adoption Pilot Database


Samara has started collecting data for the networking and cross-pollination of pilot project wisdom. The purpose of this is to organise the formation and cross-pollination of learning between:

  • Local adoption pilots which we can seek to understand to later support. 
  • Ambassador support pods (3-4 people) who meet and share experiences and explore best practices. 

We have begun the process of turning this initial data into a working database, which will act like a networking hub. Initially we have transferred the data to an Airtable in order to have the flexibility to play with the structure and allow the users to drive development. We envision a period of collection and ongoing adjustments before designing a more in-depth user experience and choosing a more suitable software environment.

AtSamara has started supporting Ambassadors and established starter pods and pilot support using the moment we havefollowing tables for:(sets of data):

The sections below display each of these as an input form and a view of the published data. 

Pilot People Directory:
The primary purpose of the database is to connect people and facilitate regenerative processes and learning. One of the sets of information in the database is a people directory. This was created to allow ambassadors and those interested in joining pods or pilots to freely contact each other and look for areas of synergy or similar interests in relation to pilots. Initially much of the data is free input. This is so Samara and ambassadors can see what kind of interests and information appear. As the data grows we envision consulting ambassadors to create a more contained set of categories which are relevant to pilot needs. 

Ambassador Pilot Pods:


Current Pilot data, organised by Type and Phase:

Ecoregion map:

Realm Map.png


How we collect data

- Survey

- Service Design

- Strategies for Data Collection


Visualization: Social System Mapping: