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Our Current Pilot Support

Assigned to: Local Pilots Primary Pod (Drigo, Jared, Fabi)
@Jared, can you add some more details on the planned sessions etc. of Pilot Calls (this is also necessary on the Discord server)

For now, Samara is currently supporting Pilots through the following efforts: 

1. Pilot Pods as Communities of Practice

community of practice (CoP) is a group of people who "share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly".[1]

The purpose of pilot pods is for Ambassadors to be part of a community of practice around local adoption of Seeds and SEEDS. The pod serves as a sounding board for adoption strategies and for mutual help and support.

Pilot Pods consist of a (recommended) maximum of 3-4 Ambassadors working on Local Adoption Pilot Projects that are similar in characteristics, challenges and opportunities. Ambassadors can join existing pods or form new ones with the help of the Pilot Projects Database (--> see Tools and Technologies). The database lists existing Pilot Pods as well as Pilot Projects to help Ambassadors self-organize into Pilot Pods.

A suggested format is to meet weekly or biweekly using i.e. the format of a Case Clinic (Presencing Institute) or Mastermind Group Meeting. This means in each meeting, one ambassador may present his or her case while the other pod members deeply listen and then collectively offer support / feedback / ideas  help this case. Rotate.

Current assigned pods (will move to the Pilot Project Database):

2. Pilot Calls for Knowledge Sharing

Pilot Calls are here to connect and share knowledge among ambassadors active in local adoption pilots, spreading the abundant potential of SEEDS in their communities. Samara regularly (monthly or bi-monthly) invites speakers introducing tools, resources and concepts within the SEEDS ecosystem relevant for local adoption pilots. 

Pilot Calls are coordinated through a facilitated community thread on the SEEDS Discord server in the Local Adoption Pilots channel. The calls will rotate between a speaker series (that is designed to offer training for a variety of regenerative tools) and a Global Pilot Sensing Call (bringing Pilot projects together to share approaches, results, and lessons learned or raise concerns).
**The  agenda for the speaker series and the layout and facilitation structure of these calls is still being coordinated**

April 2021

April 7, 6pm UTC: Q&A session with Steph from LocalScale
Description: Market platforms for regenerative products and services (both locally and globally) where Seeds are a (preferred) payment option play a key role for adoption of Seeds as a currency. LocalScale ( is developing such a (market) platform and virtual farmers market. Steph will present LocalScale, followed by a Q&A session. See alpha version of the virtual farmers market:
Questions were collected in advance and during the call with Slido


Topics for upcoming sessions (currently being voted on): 

  • Samara (Pilots Database/Pods)
  • Ben (Personal Knowledge Container)
  • Jared (Naturechain)
  • Stephen (Localscale)
  • Igor (Cloud Market)
  • Nik (Light Wallet)
  • Alex (Passport)
  • Ronnie (Pollinate)
  • David (Light Food)
  • Rieki/Cece (NeighborGood)
  • Joachim (Samara's Org in a Box)
  • Nila (
  • Douglas (Dstor)
  • Basil (Dstudio)

3. Tools, Resources and Technologies to support Pilot Projects

This section needs to be cross-linked to the respective sections in the wiki. However, I find it important that we list somewhere the important resources for Pilot Projects.

Samara develops, collects, evaluates tools and makes them accessible to Ambassadors active in pilot projects. This goes a bit beyond what is in Our Tools and Technologies - FV

  • Org-in-a-Box (Samara): helping the regional incubators to form their minimum viable organization as a bioregional DHO
  • Marketplace-in-a-Box (Samara): helping the regional incubators to deploy a cooperative market platform and onboard organizations for regenerative products and services
  • Stakeholder Mapping (Samara / MBC): providing frameworks and tools to map key stakeholders to launch a pilot project
  • Value-flow Mapping (Samara / MBC): providing frameworks and tools to map the monetary and non-monetary value-flows within an ecosystem to understand how Seeds can help to foster a regenerative local economic system
  • Co-op proposal Nursery (MBC): providing guidance, support and feedback to design high quality alliance proposals for aligned local organizations and campaign proposals to reward regenerative behaviors and distribute Seeds in the local community
  • Pilot Project Database (Samara): Collect and share data on pilot projects and associated ambassadors both to map pilot projects and for allowing for self-organization into Pilot Pods

FUTURE: 3. Academy (name tbd)

from Jared (16.2.2021) «how to properly develop and launch a SEEDS ecosystem. This course will contain lesson on community mapping, and economic systems design (learning from the wisdom of Irina and Paulo); it'll provide a deep understand of how seeds functions on a technical level and how one can plug in the various technologies that are available; it will also contain a general overview of various tech available and how they work, like localscale and HYPHA's DHO.»


[1]  "Introduction to communities of practice - A brief overview of the concept and its uses". Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner. Retrieved 18 April 2021.