Samara's Tokens
Current Tokens used within Samara
Tyler: Did a very quick scan - seems there's some redundant content. A table could help make redundancy less tiring/confusing if there's a desire to emphasize certain methodologies/mechanisms.
1$ contribution or 1$ investment = 1 SAMARA (Samara Token)
For each 1$ quest or role contribution to Samara, or for each 1$ investment in Samara contributors/investors get 1 SAMARA.
Samara contributors also have the option to choose other tokens as compensation, depending on the tokens Samara has available at a specific time (see the Compensation in Samara section below).
Multipliers for Samara Token
In the early stages of Samara, each contributor/investors tokens issued are multiplied by a factor to reward them for taking on the risk and believing in Samara as pioneers. The value for the multiplier changes when the risk reduces after important milestones are reached. This will happen after important milestones are reached like securing additional funding.
Current proposed multipliers are:
- “2” multiplier for December 2020 - February 2021 (before the quest to Hypha threshold);
- “1.8” multiplier for March onward (lower risk from going into the Hypha quest)
- Further multipliers TBC.
Exact multipliers are subject to change through DHO vote.
SAMARA VOICE TOKEN (Voice section is now out of date (4/14) given changes to membership page - will edit, pending confirmation from Membership KR team) - Tyler
1$ contribution = 1 SVOICE (Samara Voice Token)
For each 1$ contribution, Samara contributors get 1 SVOICE.
Contributions from investors do not get SVOICE.
SVOICE does not get a multiplier.
SVOICE is not transferable.
When Membership badges are earned, a SVOICE Bonus is awarded as follows:
Apprentice SVOICE Bonus = (Median Samara Member SVOICE) * 1%
Fellow SVOICE Bonus = (Median Samara Member SVOICE) * 5%
Council SVOICE Bonus = (Median Samara Member SVOICE) * 25%
Exact bonus formulas are subject to change through DHO vote. All contributors to Samara creation (prior to 3/13/21) and Samara Quest #1 (3/13/21 - 4/12/21) will automatically receive Fellow Badge, but no Bonus will be awarded.
HUSD is currently used by Samara to compensate members of Samara for their fiat needs (HUSD can be redeemed on Hypha DHO for BTC/EOS/ETH etc.)
Samara currently has a small amount of Seeds from angel investors.
The Samara blockchain account name is ‘samaradhoooo’.
At this stage, the ‘samaradhoooo’ account will make the payments of all non-voice tokens to Samara members. Voice tokens will be managed in the DHO account when this becomes available.
Compensation in Samara
Compensation for contributors
Currently every contributor to Samara is compensated in the following way:
- 1$ contribution can be compensated with 1 SAMARA or with 1 HUSD (these are the only two token types currently available in Samara)
- Contributors request the HUSD they need to cover their fiat needs (This is intended to allow people to free up their energy and be able to contribute to Samara by covering the living costs they would otherwise have to invest elsewhere to get)
- The rest of their contribution (Total contribution - HUSD amount) is compensated in SAMARA, multiplied according to the multiplier in place at a specific time
- Contributors choosing to get compensation in SAMARA and taking the risk of the future uncertain value of SAMARA are compensated more (based on the multiplier) for the trust and willingness to accept SAMARA instead of HUSD which can be used immediately.
- One contributor has a 5,000$ contribution in a lunar cycle and he needs 1,000$ HUSD as fiat needs.
- The 5,000$ contribution is made by 1,000$ HUSD and 4,000 SAMARA;
- The 4,000 SAMARA are being multiplied by the current multiplier (1.8 at this stage), so 4,000 x 1.8 = 7,200 SAMARA
Compensation for investors
1$ investment = 1 SAMARA, multiplied according to the multiplier in place at a specific time.
Current distribution of tokens to contributors and investors
The current way Samara allocates tokens is through this spreadsheet (Compensations sheet) .This is far from ideal but works as a record of all the contributions to Samara. It details contributions and tokens for each month or for a specific lunar cycle, and the exact amounts of SAMARA, HUSD and SVOICE.
Going further
Going further Samara will evolve the token allocation, introduce new tokens, move onto the DHO platform, and do less manual work to manage token allocation.