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D-HERO - Decentralized, Human, Endlessly Regenerative Organization. There are DHO's and there are D-HERO's. DHO's become D-HERO's by becoming Equipped and Emboldened to actually do and be what it takes to Save the World and brew magic potions of Regeneration.

Unlike old-world heroes, a D-HERO is not about being the one and only, the star. This holds true when we are talking about the people or the group/s that make a D-HERO. It's about becoming a being-who-belongs-in-complexity. A being who's body stays connected and co-creative. D-HERO's must stick with it, learn from worthy Mentors and elders, and then boldly go where the SHE-ROW's do(*See below): Over the threshold, through the cave, through the death of change and out again. Again and again.

HERO - Holonic Echo of a truly Regenerative Organization that succeeds.

sHE-ROw - Our very own Roz Savage in her rowing journey, which was a quintessential hero's journey driven by a Massive Transformative Purpose.  See her personal story chapter in this book to hear how she links the journey in Samara with the lessons of that monumental and heroic effort. What if we could all contribute fuelled by a massive transformative purpose moment-to-moment, day-to-day? How do we transfer that DNA to the new D-HERO's attracted to this movement in droves?

Organization - The patterning of a group into a coherent or 'organized' entity. This implies synchronization and co-ordination between the inner orientation of a group and the dynamic outer cycle stages which travel the hero's journey around a central organising principle. Traditionally this inner commitment happened mostly by meeting the living cost needs of individuals and then by applying top-down 'organizing' through control. 

Startup Shaman - A Magical and indefinable being with broad ranging skills, visionary perception and a mountainous heart coupled with an authenticity which touches Samara Deeply.