What is a Pilot Project
As a decentralized community we foster and support grassroots ground up projects. SEEDs, at its core, is about regenerating this amazing Earth of ours, and giving people the tools to make regeneration easier.
Pilot Projects are those who wish to spread the abundance of Seeds by creating a new project or simply integrating Seeds into a preexisting project. Pilot projects buildprepare the soil for Seeds to grow throughout the world and thisfind soilsolutions workthat candeeply takeresonate manywith differentthe forms.people already present on the ground (local initiatives, indigenous communities, or village elders, to name a few).
Some projects focus on networking businesses in their community to transact with Seeds, others are building Farming Cooperatives. Pilot projects come in all shapes and sizes whether you're a small community or a large city, in person, or just online; if you have an idea of how to spread Seeds and regenerate our earth then you welcome to launch a pilot project.
Current Pilots Database: @Bongi @Others
Future Database Vision & Process to achieve: @Bongi @Jared @Justin @others