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Our Current Pilot Support

Assigned to: Local Pilots Primary Pod (Drigo, Jared, Fabi, Sven)

@PilotsPod @Drigo @Jared @Fabi @Sven

For now, Samara is currently supporting Pilots through the following efforts: 

Pilot Pods: Explain... How to join? 

Pilot Calls: Explain... WhereCoordinated through a facilitated community thread on the SEEDS discord server in the Local Adoption Pilots channel. The calls will rotate between a speaker series (that is designed to find? offer training for a variety of regenerative tools) and a Global Pilot Sensing Call (where pilot projects are able to network share best practices or raise concerns). **The  agenda for the speaker series and the layout and facilitation structure of these calls is still being coordinated**

April 2021

DATE - Steph from Localscale - Explain (Video Link) 

DATE - Next

Upcoming Sessions: Name + intros...