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Relationship with Hypha MBC & Current Pilot Support

Tyler just rapidly sketching out the MBC part above, will refine later - but looking for Pilots Pod support on 2nd part below. 

Since the inception of SEEDS, Hypha has worked beyond technology to build the SEEDS Movement around the world. In fact, many Samarians met each other through participating in this movement - on the SEEDS discord, in the Ambassador Academy, and on various open zoom calls hosted by Hypha. The Movement Building Circle (MBC) within Hypha has been responsible for a growing list of services to support the humans that comprise the SEEDS movement: Ambassador Academy, E-Town Halls, _______, others?. 

As our Inception Story (provide wiki link) tells, Samara was born from conversations with Hypha and MBC... 

There is an obvious overlap of focus between Samara and MBC. MBC has led the creation of several Pilots around the world, and some MBC members carry deep wisdom and experience from these efforts. The Ambassador Academy provides training and resources to the people most likely to wind up facilitatig pilot creations.. 


Redundancy is seen throughout thriving ecosystems, and it's a core element of resilient systems. However redundancy pushed too far can create wasteful excess and inefficient use of resources. 

Throughout its birthing process, Samara has maintained communication with MBC to help it envision the unique services it can provide to the Regenerative Renaissance, including the SEEEDS movement and its pilot projects. Both parties have acknowledged that consistent communication and shared knowledge gardens will be necessary for maintaining the right balance between redundancy and efficiency, and we have committed to a call at least once a month.  

As Paulo from MBC said - "Redundancy is great, as long as we're sharing our learnings." Maintaining full transparency and sharing learnings with each other will be our guiding principles for thinking about how we work with, and along side MBC. 

For now, Samara is currently supporting Pilots through the following efforts: 

Pilot Pods: Explain... How to join? 

Pilot Calls: Explain... Where to find? 

April 2021

DATE - Steph from Localscale - Explain (Video Link) 

DATE - Next

Upcoming Sessions: Name + intros...